Rehabilitation Services

  • Massage & Vertebral Realignment

    $100.00 Massage & Alignment

    $130.00 Massage, Alignment & Theraplate

    $130.00 Massage, Alignment & Bemer

    $180.00 Massage, Alignment & Magnawave

    $130.00 Massage, Alignment & Revitavet

    $150.00 Massage, Alignment & Solarium(At The Ranch Only)

  • Revitavet

    Light radiation must be absorbed to produce a biological response. All biological systems have a unique absorption spectrum that determines which wavelengths of radiation will be absorbed to produce a given therapeutic effect. The visible red and infrared portions of the spectrum have been shown to be highly absorbent and produce unique therapeutic effects in living tissues.


  • Bemer

    BEMER devices use a pulsed electromagnetic field – abbreviated as PEMF – to deliver a patented therapeutic signal. The BEMER signal helps improve the impaired pumping movements of small and very small vessels to promote needs-based distribution of blood.*


  • Solarium

    The treatment works by stimulating the blood supply in a targeted area; providing oxygen and nutrients to the damaged tissue. It also stimulates the lymphatic system enabling waste products to be removed more quickly. Only available at the ranch.


  • Magnawave

    MagnaWave has beneficial effects in alleviating equine tendon and ligament injuries, sore backs, sore stifles, chronic hock soreness, sore shoulders, non-union fractures, laminitis, founder, stone bruises, and non-healing wounds. By promoting cellular exercise, PEMF encourages the body to recovery naturally.


  • Theraplate

    The patented TheraPlate is proven to counter the effects of chronic inflammation conditions, speed healing, reduce pain, and aid in the prevention of injury.



  • Tiffany Braithwaite

    "I’ve had the pleasure of working with Courtney for years now, whether it’s equine body work and rehabilitation or a recommendation of supplements when my horse needed something. That support and educated eye have really helped me have an edge. One product in particular I can’t live without is in the zone. Beck is a different horse and helps to really cool his nerves. Thank you Special FX Equine Performance Products."

  • Kim Wiese

    "I have been using Courtney to work on all my horses for years. They love to see her come by for their massage and adjustments to keep them feeling their best. I also buy my supplements from her and Courtney always accommodates to get products to you fast and affordable!"

  • Laura Connell

    "When Court was doing her schooling she was kind enough to come and work with my mare. She previously had a stifle injury so I had been rehabbing her back. I had been hearing how great Court was doing and I really wanted to see for myself the results. Unfortunately I had to work but I got videos of her session! It was amazing, Piper was so relaxed and happy. When I rode her I instantly noticed a difference. I was impressed. So over the years I watched Court build what she has now. Any horse I brought her, she always made a difference."